Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bad, bad Blogger

Yup, that's me. It's been a crazy, creative, scary, exciting and overwhelming month for me and frankly, I'm glad it's over. Yeah, like moving to February 1st is going to change anything...but actually, it really does feel better. That illusion will pass shortly.

So, it's Sunday night. I fed the fam. I've prepared my lesson for church next week (11-year old sweet girls), I'm listening to super mellow Mark Knopfer, it's ONLY 7:30 pm and I'm blogging.

So, what I can share with you at this point is that we are renovating our downstairs. I really don't have the money to renovate, but I figured that tearing down walls and moving things doesn't cost a thing!

So, here you see Steve, working on one wall. It was part of a storage room that we are dividing in two, to make one bedroom larger. The part that really kills me, even though it was MY idea, is to take this ridiculous 4 ft. wide hall and give it to the bedroom as well. Well! You see all that STUFF!? it's MY STUFF. So, I'd like to know exactly where I'm supposed to put it all??? PANIC! I need to some serious SIMPLIFYING. I can't tell you how much this is stressing me.

Okay, next. I've certainly had my fill of doctor and dentist appointments this month. Highlights are my 17-year old daughters wisdom teeth they took out on Friday. I'd share a picture but she would most likely kill me, wouldn't ya, chipmunk-cheeks?

It was also my younger daughter's yearly testing up at Primary Children's hospital. Savannah has Tuberous Sclerosis. Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a genetic disorder that causes tumors to form in many different organs, primarily in the brain, eyes, heart, kidney, skin and lungs, and I should mention, teeth and gums! We discovered this month, some gingival tumors that she's going to have to have removed.

The testing keeps track of all those tumors and their growth. As you can see she's developped a good sense of humor about the whole thing. How can a kid who can spell 'conscientious' misspell 'bored'?

Mom avoided giving her advice (this time) in downing the 1/2 gallon of yucky contrast liquid "chugg is honey, it'll make it easier" = throwing up!

And, as you can see, my almost 13 year old daughter is still very much a little girl, even though her body doth protest! "really, Mom, I can fit...I did last year!"

So, that's just a bit of what's been keeping me from you, my friends. I'm hoping for a quieter February, but as my husband likes to say "hope is NOT a strategy".


Alice said...

I didn't know that about your glad she seems to have a great sense of humor about all the tests...not sure I would be quite so stoic. Hoping February is a better month all around! Great "chatting" with you yesterday! Here's hoping for some good mail days too :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, and I thought our family was the only one that doesn't slow down come the New Year. Your husbands comment made me laugh, literally out loud. I think it may be my new signature line. :)
Thanks for being yourself and sharing with us!

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