Thursday, April 16, 2020

Corona Care Card: FREE Thank YOU card Kit!

*thank you for such a huge response to my free kit.  they are all gone now.  So sorry!

I See.
It's nice to be seen.  Noticed.  Appreciated.
I See HOW much YOU are giving and sacrificing right now.
Truck Drivers
The list goes on and on.

I was feeling particularly grateful while sitting in the hospital with my daughter for the caregivers who tenderly, with proficiency and humor helped Emma and helped us navigate difficult roads.

It didn't stop there. 
I never gave much thought to Truckers.  But they really are the backbone of our country's food supply chain, fuel and vital supplies.  They are often gone from their families for weeks on end and now it's hard to find a restroom or a place to sit and eat a meal.  One sweet older couple north of here, made dozens of lunch bags, sat on the side of the road with a sign "free lunch for Truckers".

Grocers have to work, so they are being exposed day after day so we can eat.
Seniors are missing out on their graduation ceremonies.
Mothers and Fathers are working at home, managing children who now have to learn on-line and all the craziness that ensues.

Possibly I'm missing YOU on that list.  So, I'm sending you a card.  A card kit!
You can take a few minutes to create something pretty, then pass it forward to someone that you know, that needs to be SEEN.

This Corona Care Card Kit will arrive in an envelope with everything you need to create the card, except for double-sided adhesive (but you can even use a glue stick!).

DOWNLOAD the instructional slideshow and printables!
Email me your mailing address and I'll pop your kit in the mail on Monday.
*Supplies are limited (although I am making 150 kits), so first come first serve.

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Favorite Quote

"The art of being
HAPPY lies in the
POWER of extracting
happiness from
COMMON things."
~Henry Ward Beecher



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