Monday, June 1, 2020

Magazine Monday: Creating Keepsake Cover

For many years I worked for Paper Crafts Magazine, as a contributing designer, and then as a founding Paper Craft Pro, with a dedicated column, editorial input, blog posts, too many Designs to count and opportunities that I will always treasure.

I was digging through some piano books last week and for some reason this copy of Creating Keepsakes Magazine was tucked inside.  At first I didn't even remember that it was my cover!  It was, after all, 10 years ago!

I thought it would be fun to share some of my magazine contributions and so, will be sharing Magazine Mondays!

Creating Keepsakes was a sister magazine to Paper Crafts and I did occasional design work for them, but I was always (and always will be) a card maker at heart.

In 2009, I did a blog post answering the question, "how do I get your job".  A stroll down memory lane if you will.  You can read it here if you wish.

As for Magazine Mondays, for the most part I'll share card designs, maybe even do some lift-it or update contests, but one thing I know, it will always be on Mondays.  Because I love alliteration!  

Please visit my facebook page, Q's Creative Kits HERE, where we can chat, watch live videos, ask questions and participate in contests etc... hope to see you soon!  Sue

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Favorite Quote

"The art of being
HAPPY lies in the
POWER of extracting
happiness from
COMMON things."
~Henry Ward Beecher



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